合法、安全、有保障 iPhone 13 Pro Max 使用 DirectUnlocks 只需 3 个简单步骤即可解锁

Quickly and easily unlock your iPhone 13 Pro Max remotely without voiding your warranty



选择您想要解锁的 iPhone 13 Pro Max 的网络并提供 IMEI 号码。我们将为您自动检测型号。



收到付款后,我们将远程处理您的解锁。我们会检查您的订单并确保您选择了正确的网络,如果您犯了错误,我们会自动修复它。您可以使用跟踪页面跟踪订单进度。大多数解锁代码会在 15 分钟内生成,如果我们必须从制造商那里获取解锁代码,则需要 24 小时。



您的设备已可靠、合法且永久地解锁,并通过电子邮件和短信向您发送确认信息。 Apple 设备通过无线方式解锁,其他设备则通过代码解锁。如果您随时需要帮助或有疑问,我们的工作人员 24/7 随时为您服务。

我们快速、合法且经 Apple 认可的 iPhone 13 Pro Max 解锁服务与所有版本的 iOS 兼容,直至并包括最新版本的 iOS 17。

付款后,您的 IMEI 将被标记为 Apple IMEI 数据库白名单,为您提供永久的官方解锁,没有保修失效的风险,并且始终允许您更新到最新版本的 iOS。

您的解锁是使用 WiFi 或蜂窝连接远程“无线”进行的,无需将 iPhone 13 Pro Max 连接到计算机或重新启动设备。您可以继续正常使用 iPhone 13 Pro Max,服务不会中断。一旦您收到我们发来的短信,表明您的 iPhone 13 Pro Max 已解锁,您就可以将任何 SIM 卡放入设备中。

直接解锁对于所有 iPhone 13 Pro Max 手机(包括您的手机)的成功率均为 100%。

从这些 USA 网络解锁您的 iPhone 13 Pro Max:

看不到您的 iPhone 13 Pro Max 锁定的网络? 单击此处查看我们完整的网络列表

为什么解锁 iPhone 13 Pro Max 是个好主意:

  • 避免昂贵的漫游费 - 旅行和添加漫游计划时,数据计划非常昂贵,尤其是在这个需要数据的 Instagram 时代!
    拥有解锁手机意味着您可以以更优惠的价格从当地商店购买预付费 SIM 卡或本地化 SIM 卡,而不是向您的帐户添加临时套餐,让您可以像在国内一样使用手机。
  • 出售您的 iPhone 13 Pro Max 以获取更多钱 - 如果你来卖你的iPhone 13 Pro Max,解锁版本会值很多钱。
  • 更换服务提供商 - 网络提供商经常相互竞争,试图通过新功能、更便宜的成本来相互竞争,当然还有让合同更容易解除。对于仍然提供合同的网络,他们的手机可以通过该计划获得折扣和补贴,这意味着它们被锁定。
    使用 DirectUnlocks,您可以避免昂贵的终止成本,并以相对较低的价格解锁 iPhone 13 Pro Max。
  • 使用直接解锁: 您的 iPhone 13 Pro Max 保修仍然有效
  • iPhone 13 Pro Max 和网络运营商本身认可的官方方法
  • 解锁 iPhone 13 Pro Max 的最快、最便宜和最安全的方式 - 并提供退款保证。
  • 在舒适的家中解锁您的 iPhone 13 Pro Max。
  • 您可以在解锁过程中不受限制地使用您的iPhone 13 Pro Max。
  • 无需说明 - 一旦手机解锁,我们会通过短信和电子邮件告诉您,然后您只需插入另一张 SIM 卡即可。
  • 永久且100%合法。 - 安全解锁您的 iPhone 13 Pro Max
  • 在解锁过程中不受限制地检查您的iPhone 13 Pro Max解锁状态。

为什么 DirectUnlocks 是最好的手机解锁服务?

DirectUnlocks 远程 IMEI 解锁服务是解锁手机的最佳场所。我们利用技术回收商的身份来快速解锁手机


我们的大部分手机解锁都在 15 分钟内完成。如果我们必须去制造商处为您解锁,则只需 24 小时。与我们的实时订单跟踪和专门的客户服务团队配合,您知道您得到了很好的帮助。

完全远程 SIM 卡解锁。

iPhone 解锁通过 3G/4G 或 WiFi 进行“无线”传送。 Android 解锁是通过在手机中输入代码来实现的。在整个过程中,您的手机一直陪伴着您,我们绝不会中断您的蜂窝服务。


我们的解锁是通过将您的手机 IMEI 列入制造商数据库的白名单来实现的,以便在不影响您的保修的情况下实现全球永久解锁。


我们提供市场上最快、最便宜和最值得信赖的解锁产品 - 获得制造商的全面认可。

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DirectUnlocks 是全球最快、最便宜的 iPhone 13 Pro Max 解锁提供商之一。我们通常会立即解锁您的 iPhone 13 Pro Max,有时这可能会稍长一些,具体取决于一些因素。我们提供实时跟踪服务,让您随时了解最新进展。

绝不。我们使用 3G/4G 或 WiFi 或通过向您发送解锁代码来“无线”解锁您的 iPhone 13 Pro Max - 我们的方法是完全远程的。您的iPhone 13 Pro Max在整个过程中都是安全的,您的服务不会中断。


使用 IMEI 方法是解锁 iPhone 13 Pro Max 的推荐且最安全的方法,并且可以在舒适的家中远程完成。

它是一种永久的、经制造商批准且完全符合保修要求的解决方案,可确保您的 iPhone 13 Pro Max 永远不会重新锁定。

通过我们解锁非常快 - 只需向我们提供您的 15 位 IMEI 号码(在 iPhone 13 Pro Max 上拨打 *#06#)以及您的手机锁定的网络,我们的系统将通过远程识别并请求官方授权来自动处理您的设备厂家解锁。


如果网络选择不正确,我们将自动调整,无需额外费用,以确保您的 iPhone 13 Pro Max 已从适当的网络解锁。

2013 年 3 月,奥巴马政府和联邦通信委员会表达了这样的观点:消费者应该能够更换运营商并保留现有手机,以响应 WhiteHouse.gov 平台上的成功请愿。

《解锁消费者选择和无线竞争法案》于 2014 年 8 月 1 日签署成为法律,因此解锁手机现在完全合法。

iPhone 13 Pro Max Unlock

Unlock your iPhone 13: cut costs, maximise flexibility and supercharge resale value

2021 was a year of mixed emotions. Joe Biden was sworn in as the 46th president of the United States, a cargo ship blocked the Suez Canal and disrupted the global economy, SpaceX launched its first all-civilian spaceflight, and Kabul fell to the Taliban. In the same year, Apple released its fifteenth-generation smartphone. The iPhone 13, iPhone 13 Mini, iPhone 13 Pro and iPhone 13 Pro Max were unveiled in September 2021 at Apple Park in Cupertino. Despite global supply chain challenges and looming disaster, buyers flocked to purchase the flagship devices ten days later.

The fifteenth-generation iPhone features major component upgrades over its predecessors, despite the iPhone 12 being one of Apple’s most successful ever releases. The iPhone 13 design is mostly unchanged. However, due to larger lenses and improved functionality, the camera module covers more of the devices rear cover. The Face ID and front camera module is also 20% smaller than previous devices.

Most importantly, the iPhone 13 series featured dramatic functional improvements. Notably, Apple upgrades its processor, including the latest A15 Bionic processor which featured more 5G band to support more carriers globally. The A15 processor capable of performing 15.8 trillion operations per scored, 43% more than its predecessor. The iPhone 13 Pro and iPhone 13 Pro Max featured Super Retina XDR OLED displays with improved brightness and a variable ProMotion display which helped the devices increased battery life. Battery lfie is perhaps the most important feature on any new device, as users rely more on their mobile and functionality grows more intense, improved battery life is essential to realise functional benefits and improvements. The iPhone 13 series all boast greater battery life than their predecessors, most notably the iPhone 13 Pro and iPhone 13 Pro Max boast 1.5 and 2.5 more hours respectively. Both models can also charge with MagSafe and wireless charging. Perhaps the most significant improvement in the iPhone 13 series is overall camera performance. The iPhone 13 Pro series is widely accepted and having the most impressive camera suite of any smartphone. The camera features a macro mode capable of focusing as close as 2 centimetres, a Cinematic Mode allowing users to create shallow depth of field, a computational photography engine, and an ultra-wide camera featuring autofocus for the first time. Both cameras are also capable of increased digital zoom.

The global smartphone market has exploded in recent decades, several billion people now own devices. Apple command a large percentage of this total market, offering customers a connected global ecosystem of commercial electronics. Further, since Apple launched the iPhone in 2007, owning the latest device is imperative for tech fans and regular consumers alike. But smartphone ownership comes at a cost, new devices are expensive, and prices have rose in recent years. Of course, major network providers have made ownership easier by selling locked devices on ‘contract’. However, these devices can only ever be used with SIM cards sold by the network issuing the handset.

Considering Apple shipped more than 56 million iPhone 13s in a single quarter, and 40 million more during the holiday period, millions of users are stuck with locked devices. Fortunately, DirectUnlocks can easily unlock your iPhone 13 from the comfort of your own home.

Why should you unlock your iPhone 13?

  1. Most smartphone users eventually sell their device, either to pay off their current contract, purchase another smartphone or raise money for personal spending. The market for second hand devices has grown substantially as users refresh devices more frequently, meaning nearly new devices are available at a fraction of the cost. Commercial and private buyers pay more for unlocked devices than they do for locked alternatives. When selling the latest device, selling for as much as 20% more can be a difference of hundreds of pounds. Buyers recognise that unlocked devices are much more functional and desirable and so are willing to pay more for them.
  2. We’ve all experienced painful roaming charges, a reality hitting home following Britain’s departure from the EU. When travelling with a locked device, various countries impose varying roaming charges, which impose a cost for using your device abroad. This differs depending on the location but can be incredibly expensive. Unlocking your iPhone 13 might help avoid roaming costs. When travelling with an unlocked device, users can visit a local store, purchase a domestic SIM-only package, swap out their network SIM, and continue using their device as normal for a fraction of the cost. This is a huge benefit for business travellers and regular jetsetters!
  3. The global economy is in tatters, Westerners face a cost-of-living crisis and rising monthly costs. Consumers are looking for ways to reduce their outgoings, and every little counts. Unlocking your iPhone 13 can reduce yearly outgoings by £240. Once unlocked, you’ll be able to cancel your network airtime contract and replace your SIM with a competitive alternative.

Now it’s obvious why you should unlock your smartphone, DirectUnlocks can help you unlock iPhone 13 devices from the comfort of your own home in just four simple steps. How to unlock your iPhone 13!

  1. Simply enter your device IMEI in the form above, select the correct country and carrier, then click ‘Buy Now’ to begin unlocking. Our unique software will automatically identify your device make and model.
  2. Once payment has cleared, we’ll begin processing the unlock. For most users this will take less than 24 hours. Once complete, even a firmware update won’t change your device’s lock status.
  3. As we unlock your device, you’ll be able to track progress on the DirectUnlocks portal. 24/7 customer service is also available to answer any questions you might have.
  4. Once we’ve unlocked your iPhone 13, we’ll notify you by email and SMS. Unlike competitors, Apple devices don’t require a code and are unlocked remotely and automatically.

DirectUnlocks been unlocking devices for years, successfully delivery thousands of unlocks to many customers. Our vast experience means we know the market and can support you with any issues you might experience. Trust us, we’ll make it easy for you!
